
What are Creds ?

Creds are verifiable claims issued by an issuer to an identity holder, attesting to a certain fact or attribute. They represent a fundamental building block for decentralized identity systems, enabling users to prove ownership of attributes without revealing the underlying data.

The architecture of the protocol revolves around three actors

  • Creds Holder

  • Creds Issuer

  • Creds Verifier


Relationship Diagram - Comming Soon !!

The relationship between the identity holder, issuer, and verifier is based on a trust model. The identity holder trusts the issuer to issue valid credentials that accurately reflect their attributes, and the issuer trusts the verifier to accurately validate those credentials without revealing the underlying data.

By using this architecture, the Creds Holder maintains control over their personal data, while the Creds Issuer can issue verifiable credentials with accuracy and validity, and the Creds Verifier can verify the authenticity of the credentials without revealing the underlying data.

Overall, the Creds Protocol architecture is designed to provide a decentralized, privacy-preserving solution for identity and verification that leverages zero-knowledge proofs.