

Pay-Per-View is a model in which viewers pay to watch a single piece of video content, such as a movie or a sports event. This model is becoming increasingly popular, but it has some drawbacks. For instance, payment processing can be slow and expensive, and there is no way to ensure that the content is not copied or shared illegally.

Here's how Creds Protocol can be used in Pay-Per-View on Filecoin solution:

Content creators can create a verifiable credential (cred) that represents the right to access their content. This cred can be issued to viewers who have paid for access to the content.

The content can be stored on Filecoin, ensuring that it is secure and cannot be tampered with.

Viewers can present their creds to a verifier smart contract that is integrated with the content platform. The verifier will confirm that the viewer has the correct cred and has paid for access to the content.

The verifier can then decrypt the content to the viewer, allowing them to access the content.

Since Creds Protocol is based on Semaphore protocol it can make sure that the cred holder can use the cred only once by verifying the nullifier value.