Start Building with Creds Protocol

🛠 Installation

Install the @creds-protocol/contracts package with npm:

npm i @creds-protocol/contracts

Extending Creds Protocol Contracts

Most of the Creds Protocol Contracts are expected to be used via inheritance: you will inherit from them when writing your own contracts.

This is the commonly found is syntax, like in

import "@creds-protocol/contracts/interfaces/IVerifier.sol";
import "@creds-protocol/contracts/CredsProtocol.sol";
contract MyCredential is CredsProtocol {}

Extending Creds Badge Contracts

Most of the Creds Protocol Contracts are expected to be used via inheritance: you will inherit from them when writing your own contracts.

This is the commonly found is syntax, like in

import "@creds-protocol/contracts/interfaces/IVerifier.sol";
import "@creds-protocol/contracts/CredsBadge.sol";
contract MyZkBadge is CredsBadge {}

Head over to tutorials section for detailed integration tutorials 📜